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Emotional Detachment During Mass Layoffs

Decathexis, or "decathecting," is a term used to describe the process of letting go of emotional attachments or attachments to things. It's a concept that can be applied to all areas of life, including the workplace.

In the context of the workplace, decathexis can be a valuable tool for preparing for potential layoffs. The uncertainty and stress of potential layoffs can be overwhelming for employees, and it can be difficult to focus on anything else. Decathexis can help employees detach from their attachment to their job and their attachment to the company.

One way to practice decathexis in the workplace is to focus on the present moment. Instead of worrying about the future or dwelling on the past, focus on what you can control in the present. This can help reduce stress and anxiety and allow you to be more productive.

Another way to practice decathexis in the workplace is to focus on your skills and abilities. Instead of focusing on your job or the company, focus on what you can bring to the table. This can help you feel more in control and more confident in your abilities, even in the face of potential layoffs.

Finally, consider developing a plan B. It's always good to have a backup plan. You can start looking for other job opportunities while still working, or start thinking about what you want to do next. This way, if layoffs do happen, you're not caught off guard, and you're better prepared to move on.

Has your company been going through rounds of layoffs? Work with Coach Marty to prepare yourself for any sudden change.

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Impact of Mass Layoffs on Mental Health

The Impact of Mass Layoffs on Mental Health

In today's rapidly changing job market, mass layoffs have become an unfortunate reality for many people. While the immediate impact of losing a job can be devastating, the long-term effects on mental health can be even more severe.

When a person loses their job, they often experience feelings of anxiety, depression, and hopelessness. These feelings can be exacerbated by the uncertainty of not knowing when or if they will be able to find another job. In addition, people who have lost their jobs may also experience financial stress, which can further contribute to mental health issues.

The loss of a job can also have a ripple effect on a person's relationships and overall sense of self-worth. People may feel a sense of shame or embarrassment about being laid off, and this can lead to isolation and feelings of inadequacy.

For those who are fortunate enough to find another job, the process of adjusting to a new work environment can be stressful and difficult. It can take time to build new relationships and to feel comfortable in a new role. In the meantime, people may feel a sense of loss and confusion about their previous job and the life they had before the layoff.

It's important to understand that the effects of mass layoffs on mental health can be long-lasting and severe. Those who have lost their jobs should be encouraged to seek support and resources, whether it be through counseling, job search assistance, or financial support. Additionally, employers should take steps to provide support and resources for employees who have been affected by layoffs, and to consider the mental health impacts of layoffs in their decision-making process.

Mass layoffs have a significant impact on mental health, it's important for employers to consider the impacts of their decision and for the affected individuals to seek the necessary support and resources to cope with the changes. With the right support and resources, people can begin to rebuild their lives and move forward in a positive direction.


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Blog Martin McGovern Blog Martin McGovern

Severance Package Negotiations

Severance packages can be an important consideration for employees who are facing the end of their employment. While the specifics of a severance package may vary depending on the employer and the circumstances of the termination, there are several key elements that employees can negotiate in order to make the most of their severance package. Here are 10 things that employees can negotiate in a severance package:

  1. Severance Pay:

    • This is the amount of money an employee will receive after their employment ends. It can be based on factors such as the employee's length of service, position, and salary.

  2. Benefits continuation:

    • This refers to the continuation of employee benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, or stock options after the employee leaves the company. This can help employees to maintain their benefits while they look for a new job.

  3. Non-disclosure or non-compete agreements:

    • These agreements can be included in a severance package to protect the company's confidential information or prevent the employee from working for a competitor for a certain period of time.

  4. Outplacement services:

    • This refers to assistance provided to the employee to help them find a new job, such as resume writing and interview coaching. This can be a valuable resource for employees who are looking to transition to a new career.

  5. Positive reference:

    • This refers to a letter of recommendation or verbal reference from the employer to help the employee find a new job. A positive reference can be an important asset for employees who are looking for new employment opportunities.

  6. Release of claims:

    • This refers to an agreement by the employee to not take legal action against the company in exchange for the severance package. This can help to avoid a costly and time-consuming legal dispute.

  7. Additional payment for unused vacation or PTO:

    • Employees can negotiate for additional compensation for their unused vacation days or PTO, which can help them to bridge the gap between their last day of employment and their first day of their new job.

  8. Continuation of certain perks, like parking or gym membership:

    • Employees can negotiate for the continuation of certain perks or benefits that they may have had access to while employed, like parking or gym membership.

  9. Extension of the notice period:

    • Employees can negotiate for an extended notice period, which can allow them more time to prepare for the end of their employment and find a new job.

  10. An agreement to not contest unemployment benefits:

    • Employees can negotiate for an agreement with their employer not to contest unemployment benefits, which can help to ensure that they are able to receive unemployment benefits more quickly and with less hassle.

It's important to note that not all companies offer severance packages, and the terms of a severance package can vary depending on the employer and the circumstances of the termination. However, by knowing what to negotiate and being prepared to advocate for yourself, you can increase the chances of getting a fair and beneficial severance package.

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Blog Martin McGovern Blog Martin McGovern

Life After Layoff

LIFE AFTER LAYOFF! It's never easy to deal with a layoff, but it's important to remember that it's not the end of the world. In fact, it can be an opportunity to start a new chapter in your career.

Here are a few things to keep in mind as you navigate life after a layoff:

✅ Take some time to process your emotions.

It's natural to feel a range of feelings after a layoff, including shock, anger, and sadness. Allow yourself to feel these emotions, but try not to get stuck in them.

✅ Reflect on what you've learned during your time at the company.

Think about the skills you've gained, the projects you've worked on, and the relationships you've built. These are all valuable assets that you can use in your next role.

✅ Update your resume and LinkedIn profile.

Highlight the relevant skills and experiences you've gained during your time at the company. Don't be afraid to reach out to former colleagues and managers for references and endorsements.

✅ Network!

Reach out to friends and acquaintances in your industry, and don't be afraid to ask for help. Attend industry events and join professional groups on LinkedIn.

✅ Keep an open mind.

A layoff can be an opportunity to explore new industries or career paths. It's important to be flexible and willing to consider different options.

Remember, a layoff is not a reflection of your worth or capabilities as a professional. It's just a change in the path.

If you keep a positive attitude, stay focused and stay motivated, you will find your next role.

Take Care. Stay Strong! And if you need help with your next transition, let's chat.

Schedule a free consultation at:

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