How to Be Lazy AND Productive

Looking for a job can be a time-consuming and draining process, but it doesn't have to be. While it's important to put in effort and show initiative during your job search, it's also possible to be both lazy and productive at the same time. Here are some tips to help you streamline your job search and make the most of your time:

  1. Automate your job search:

    • Take advantage of technology and automate your job search by setting up alerts on job boards and using tools that can help you find and apply for jobs more quickly. This way, you can save time and energy by not having to constantly check for new job postings.

  2. Make a schedule:

    • Set aside a specific time each day for job searching, and stick to it. This way, you won't waste time constantly checking your email or browsing job boards throughout the day.

  3. Take breaks:

    • While it's important to stay focused and dedicated during your job search, it's also important to take breaks and avoid burnout. Use your breaks to recharge and relax, and don't feel guilty about taking time for yourself.

  4. Network efficiently:

    • Networking is a crucial part of the job search process, but it can be time-consuming and overwhelming. Instead of attending every networking event or meeting, focus on connecting with people who are in your desired field or have connections to companies you're interested in.

  5. Get organized:

    • Keep track of your job search progress and stay organized by using a spreadsheet or a job search tracking app. This way, you can easily keep track of which jobs you've applied for, who you've networked with, and which companies you need to follow up with.

  6. Use templates:

    • Save time by using templates for your cover letter and resume. You can tweak and customize these templates as needed, but having a basic outline will save you time and help you apply for jobs more quickly.

Being lazy doesn't mean you can't be productive during your job search. By using technology to automate your search, taking breaks, networking efficiently, getting organized, and using templates, you can save time and energy while still making progress towards your job search goals. Good luck!



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