A Lost Stranger...

A LinkedIn Note Titled: A LOST STRANGER

Hello Martin,

I graduated from a business administration marketing program before covid broke out. The only experience I've had prior is from call centers (customer service and/or sales). I am not exactly sure what area I'm interested in pursuing, and I haven't had any real work experience in my field to be able to know if i like something or not.

Kinda in the spot of having to settle for anything and even lower my expectations by a huge amount just to get steady income coming. I've even went to the options of just trying to get data entry or bookkeeping just to get something. Can feel pretty discouraging thinking everyone is looking for prior work experience in all fields you apply for. It can also feel discouraging thinking the education you received isn't enough for the real world or vastly outdated. Like you still need to know so much more before even being hired anywhere.

Many marketing positions it feels like they are looking for the perfect utility knife person who has done everything before. Like a professional in multiple fields and job positions. It does make me have impostor syndrome. I think my first goal was to find a field I’m passionate in and can enjoy doing, but that seems more like a future goal than a current goal now. Right now the goal is just to get some sort of business position that pays good and that i can do remotely, but I have some questions.

1) What was your entry like into business fields?

  • I got into the business world through DePaul University's business major, then a job fair, then my first job at Discover Card in a marketing program. Then advertising, startups, schools, and eventually starting my own business before going to grad school to become a therapist. it has been a wild ride and rollercoaster with lots of ups and downs, but fun the whole way. 

2) And do you have anything you would have told your younger self or things you wish you knew sooner?

  • I'm glad my younger self took risks, pushed through discomfort and learned to manage anxiety (little by little over time and still working on it). I wouldn't necessarily change anything, but I would have tried to stick things out longer than I did, and learn to detach from my emotional overwhelm in certain roles earlier. Not putting so much pressure on myself at times. But, overall just have encouraged myself to keep moving forward no matter what happens. Just don't stop. 

3) What were some moments where you felt not educated enough?

  • I'm currently going back to school to be educated as a therapist because I was being presented with situations that were outside my expertise. So yes, often and always. There will never be a time where I will be fully knowledgable, educated, or ready. I still have to find a way forward regardless. 

4) Like Impostor Syndrome moments. Is there anything you would have changed about your employment path?

  • Hard to say because I don't know what a different series of decisions would have done for my current outcomes and I am happy with where I am at. But, if I would have changed anything it would have just to have tried to be more self aware, emotionally resilient, and practiced more delayed gratification throughout my career.

I hope these answers help in some small way with what you're going through in your career. Let me know if I can ever be of help in the future. Wishing you all the best.  At the end of the day, I'd say that early on we should take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself to us, try to do our best, and allow ourselves the flexibility to change and grow as we go. 

At the end of the day, I'd say that early on we should take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself to us, try to do our best, and allow ourselves the flexibility to change and grow as we go.




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