#17 - Life After Layoff with UX Researcher Wayne Kim

Career Therapy Podcast e.17 - Life After Layoff with UX Researcher Wayne Kim

On this week's Career Therapy Podcast (#17), we speak with UX researcher Wayne Kim.

During the episode, we talk about Wayne’s career-long journey to better understand the needs of the user, his passions for surfing, cycling, and bagel making, and why it might be better to be a “buoy on the waves.” 

During this Episode, We Discuss: 

0:00 introducing Wayne Kim

2:07 how did he get into UX research?

5:55 empathy in user experience

7:35 looking at the job search as a research project

8:10 Buddhist concept of wise selfishness

10:20 the lay-off itself

14:05 being a better teammate and making bagels

18:30 being deliberate about the information we take in

21:05 pros and cons of startups

31:05 why good questions make you rich

36:21 millennial informal caregiving, student loan debt

Resources & books mentioned in this episode: 

Now Over To You!

If you know anyone who has been hustling, or started a business, during the pandemic, and has an amazing story to share, let us know who they are! Alternately, if you, or someone you know has recently gone through a layoff, or has a layoff, or any other career transition-oriented story to share, reach out. Contact Martin through his personal LinkedIn page to get in touch. We're always on the lookout for amazing guests for the cast.

As always, thanks for listening!


#18 - Life After Layoff with a Couple in Vegas, Matt & Millie Haase


#16 - Life After Layoff with VP of Talent, Nicole Townsend